a new experience of shopping, architected to save money and time while supporting the economic health of your local community

Advertising and its younger offspring, digital marketing, evolved around the concept that spying on consumer past behavior produces good information about future purchases.  This false assumption has produced the tsunami of poorly targeted ads that drown every aspect of our modern lives.

What if this kind of advertising were outlawed?  There would be:

  • no more billboards,
  • no ads interrupting our entertainment,
  • No robocalls,
  • No direct mail.

Imagine a world where none of these intrusive mediums were constantly influencing our perception of ourselves and of others, and of the candidates and issues for which we vote.  The peaceful silence that would descend on society would be profound.  We would be able to hear ourselves think. 

ReCommerce envisions just such a world, and proposes a path to get there.  We believe the key is in replacing the backward-looking ad model with a forward-looking direct engagement between citizens and merchants controlled by the citizen.

ReCommerce will give citizens tools to shop the real inventory of local merchants and compare the total cost of a product bought locally to one shipped from around the world.  ReCommerce will make it easy to take into consideration:

  • Which community receives your sales tax dollars
  • The environmental impact of packaging and shipping
  • Supply chain and transportation carbon impact
  • Comparison of the carbon, fuel cost, and time of local pickup vs. shipping

ReCommerce proposes to make it easy to save money and time while supporting the economic health of your local community, the jobs of your neighbors, and the environment we all share.

Ventures we are watching

Deliv.co – From Deliv.co’s About Us page: “SAME DAY DELIVERY IS NOT A NEW CONCEPT
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by companies trying to solve this challenge, but past attempts have failed miserably. We analyzed their failures and asked ourselves “WHY NOW?”

Fast delivery is the last battleground for the customer experience. This battle actually puts omni-channel retailers in the catbird seat as they all have stores and inventory within five miles of 90% of their customers. With Deliv, they can now deliver on the same day promise better and faster than anyone else —even better than the e-commerce juggernaut in the Pacific Northwest!
ecommerce same day delivery
Deliv uses the technology advancements of omni-channel platforms and GPS-enabled smartphones to mobilize our crowd of drivers. For the first time in history, the fastest and most flexible same-day delivery is now also the cheapest shipping option. Learn more about how easy it is to integrate Deliv.
same day delivery partners
Deliv partners join our national crowdsourced delivery network, leveraging their brick and mortar assets as well as their e-commerce technology. Together, we are able to out-Amazon Amazon. See our partnerships.

OwnLocal – From OwnLocal’s About Us page: “

Purpose built for local media.  Whether introducing legacy advertisers to digital or needing to increase direct sales, OwnLocal’s products deliver.
Increase Sales
OwnLocal products like AdForge arm reps with superior weapons to win increasingly competitive advertising dollars. AdForge puts publishers back in control of direct selling O&O and reduces dependency on remnant.

Improve Retention
Advertisers need better ways to tell their stories and demand greater value than ever. The Chronicle Herald in Halifax propelled a small, local landscaping company from being an at risk print advertiser to a digital customer wanting more.

Grow Revenue
Needing to develop a stronger digital strategy and a new way to drive revenue, Metroland Media in Canada trusts OwnLocal to help them earn millions of dollars in new revenue annually.

interested investors

ReCommerce.US is a “fast-follower” companion to ReNews in our mission to rearchitect the experiences of news, civic engagement and shopping.  We have a clear understanding of the ReCommerce product footprint and the roadmap to get there.  If you would like to participate in accelerating this transformation, please contact us using the link below.


ReConstitution, Inc. is a virtual company based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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